Thieving is not better than the Dragon Javelin method by default. Use Item Alchemy III along with any available GP boosts on drops worth more than 15,000 +50 Flat GP from Thieving 50% Chance for 2x GP 35% Chance for 4x Items 15% Chance for nothingĪgility Obstacles providing Resource Preservation +100% GP from Princess +174 Stealth vs Princess These boosts are in addition to the ones above and are specifically for this method. Thieving Princess and Fletching Jadebolts (24,740k/hr max) Requirements
+8% Thieving Doubling -5% Thieving Interval +50 Stealth Slayer Platebody (Master) Slayer Leather Body (Master) Slayer Wizard Robes (Master) 0.2s Thieving Interval +20% GP from Thieving +35 Stealth 0.1s Thieving Interval +150 Flat GP from Thieving +50 Stealth +100 Stealth 3x chance to gain unique area items 0.5s Thieving Interval +100% GP from Thieving +150 Stealth